Festival of Baskets on Sept. 13, 2020

Festival of Baskets will be held Sunday, September 13, 2020 from 10:00am to 3:00pm. Drawing will begin at 2:30pm.

Support your parish family by donating a basket. You may start placing your baskets in the front pew of the church anytime. Deadline for drop off at the Church is August 30, 2020 or call Sandy Bolvin at 814-934-4114. If you wish to make a mone-tary donation instead of a basket, you may place you donation in an envelope and clearly mark the envelope “Basket Party” and place it in the collection basket.

Stand for Life Devotion, Jan 21- 29

Please download the Stand For Life Novena, to be prayed each day from January 21 to 29, 2020.

May our culture experience the power of God’s transforming love, that all eyes may be opened to the incredible beauty of every human life.

Click the image to download the devotion:

Stand for Life Devotion

Pro-Life Service on Friday, Jan. 17

January 17th at 6pm we will hold a special pro-life event in our parish. We will celebrate a vigil service asking God to change minds and hearts on the evil of abortion. It will be followed by a fellowship in the church hall prepared by our “Myrrh-bearers” women’s group.

A talk will be given by Patty Sodmont, CEO of CityPlan.


Christmas Schedule 2019

Please join us to celebrate the Nativity of Christ.

December 24th         

4:00PM    –  Children’s Christmas Liturgy

10:00PM  –  Solemn Christmas Vigil Liturgy

December 25th           

9:00AM   –  Christmas Divine Liturgy in Northern Cambria

11:00AM  –  Christmas Divine Liturgy in Revloc